I am an English teacher first and foremost but I am also a blogger, a phonetician, a video editor of sorts, a friend, a daughter, a granddaughter, an aunt, a student, a writer, an artist, a comedian and a drama queen obviously. Let's just say it's an extremely loaded question, so if you are curious, here is a philosophic take on this issue in a video.
My goal is to teach ESL(English as a Second language) to the best of my abilities while creating original speaking clubs from authentic materials for my students to enjoy and other teachers to use later🥰 Come to think of it it'll be nice to also raise awareness of the shadowing technique for accent training specifically and the validity of microlearning in general.
Imagine Dragons is my favourite band ever. Their lyrics are a bit erratic I grant you, but their live performances are truly magical, an experience unparalleled in happiness, drive and energy. FYI, I've been to 1 concert on the Smoke and Mirrors tour (St.Petersburg) and to 5 concerts on the Evolve tour (Barcelona, Madrid, Florence, Moskow and Zurich)
I've enjoyed travelling to music festivals (before COVID). My first one was a small affair called Ahmad tea and Music in Moskow only 6 British bands featuring Tom Grannand, Miles Cane, Sundara Carma and of course headlining Buffy Clyaro plus so much hot tea. And the best one I've been to so far was Sziget in Budapest 2019. Here are some information and pictures:
Comedy is my favourite genre of all time. Dark comedy, stand up comedy, situational comedy etc. But most of all I appreciate subtle British humour. It's so full of sarcasm and irony, self depiction and those delicious hedges.
Writing is one of my passions - meaning I have a diary.) However, mostly I use it to jot down some great quotes or even timing for the videos I am editing. A bit of a low tech solution.
I was born in Leningrad, USSR (it's called Saint Petersburg, Russia nowadays) on 16.05.1990. This means that I am much older than you think I am, shocking right?)
My favourite photo was taken in 2008
I love my dreadlocks. This hairstyle makes me brave.
I hate receiving calls - text messages or e-mails work much better IMHO. Telegram is my absolute favourite with its lovely video messaging circles. https://t.me/dogperson
I love giving informal presentations and creating fun slides. Take a look if you are not inclined to believe me. And even if you do click on it to find 6️⃣ fantastic Ted talks on design 👀.
Hiking in nature or going for long walks in the city is my idea of a cardio workout. I can't get enough of cityscapes 🏙️ but to properly reboot my system and recharge eco trails 🌲come in handy.
And the only gym activity I like is swimming. I have learned the skill 🏊♂️ at the gentle age of 27 in under 20 lessons give or take. Before that, I almost drowned on 3 different occasions.
So if I can learn to swim you can definitely learn 🎓 English or even acquire a beautiful British 🇬🇧 pronunciation, if you wish to do so - let me know. Contact Info Or check out the Services I provide first.